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Monday, May 16, 2011

And We're OFF!

I sort of got off to a false start when I did this whole blog thing before.  So, I'm gonna rewind and start over if you don't mind and share the back story.  This whole thing started when I took on the Whole 30 Challenge. I'd done a nutrition challenge before at my Crossfit box, but I had trouble being consistent when the challenge ended. I sort of white knuckled through it and then lived Paleo in a 60/40 way--which was not helpful. I heard about The Whole9 from a friend, splurged on the eBook, and it changed my lie (so cheesy--I know). Now I'm about 95/5. And I work really hard to create and re-create simple Paleo dishes that taste great. Some of the pictures I post (and "recipes" I will post) shouldn't even be referred to as recipes--they are complete meals with 2-5 ingredients. But, maybe it is a combination you haven't thought of and it will give you the variety you need to stick with this Paleo thing. So, please enjoy the crappy iPhone pics, long winded (sometimes) posts, and these simple meal ideas. And please, please, please--share some ideas with me so I can keep the variety alive!!

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