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Friday, May 20, 2011

Recommitted: A Paleo Summer

As some of you may or may not know, I got a Dexa-Scan at GWU exactly three weeks ago. The Dexa-Scan measures bone density and overall body composition. After six minutes lying on a table I got a print out detailing my bone density, body fat percentage and lean muscle mass broken down by regions of my body--left arm, legs, head, right arm, etc. My bone density was great and my lean muscle mass was good, too. My body fat was way too high. Bottom line: I need to lose fat. With the Crossfit and Paleo eating I knew I was headed in the right direction. So, I made a commitment to keep up the regular routine and come back in nine weeks to re-test. Things started great, but lately I've been a little too liberal with the diet cheats. The results have been great so far but I was feeling myself getting a little to brazen. So, I walked into work today and suggested a physical challenge to some co-workers who regularly hit the gym: 100 push-ups a day for 100 days. Some people at our gym are already doing it and it looks so cool. I thought it would be a fun work thing. Maybe it was a case of the Fridays, but I didn't get a whole lot of interest. Luckily my co-worker and Crossfit Lorton member friend was immediately on board. She even suggested we add 100 sit-ups in there. She also got her Dexa-Scan at the same time as me, so she's feeling that same sense of urgency. Yay for accountability partners!! But, as I sat on the metro thinking about the 100 days of push-ups I was really feeling like it wasn't enough. I'm an all or nothing type of girl. The push-ups are great, and I really think the results will show in many of my bodyweight exercises, but they aren't enough. What I really need to do is finish what I started on February 28th. I need to maintain the Paleo discipline and finish transforming my life. Not an ice cream on Wednesday, some soy on Friday and a latte on Sunday. If I want a cheat I need one meal a week. I know myself and I've been getting a little too liberal with the straying--and really feeling the consequences. So, not only am I doing 100 days of push-ups, but I'm completing a regimented 100 days of Paleo. Complete with another Dexa-Scan at the end. I'll share the mid-summer report along with the end if summer (100 days from now) report.

Do you feel like you might want to recommit? JOIN ME! Do it your way, but stick with it an see what happens. Vacation/BBQ season seems like the perfect time to re-up, right?! What can I say--I'm a crossfitter and I like a GOOD challenge. Someday I'll get around to having bang-bang shrimp again.

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